
Christoph Sollmann

Dr. phil., Dipl. Psych., Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg (Baden Wuertemberg), Germany, Dipl. Psych. (clinical psychology) 1988, doctoral degree on psychological diagnostics: Assessment Center, 1998 (Universität Duisburg-Essen).

European certification as clinical- and health-, work-and organisational psychologist. Licensed psychologist (health insurance license) in behaviour therapy and hypnosis. Certified: Trauma-Therapist (EGO-State-Therapy, EMDR).

Education in Hypnotherapy at the Milton-Erickson-Foundation in Phoenix, Arizona and Attendance of Master-Classes in NYC under the direction of Dr Jeffrey K. Zeig. 

Private Practice

Since 1989 in Offenburg, since 1992 in Krefeld, Germany. Therapeutic specialty: Post-traumatic-stress-disorder, chronic pain. Languages: German, English.

Coach & Trainer

Leadership & Management Skills (German and international companies, public services). Senior partner of alfa media institute, Augsburg (Germany), 

Psychotherapy, training and coaching in German and English language. International Teaching Trainer and Founder of C.A.T. – Covert-Anchoring-Approach. 


On bestseller list (books in economics), over 20 books and articles on Management, Hypnosis and neuropsychological issues, including a contribution on one of Dr. Jeffrey K. Zeig’s books titled: Ericksonian Therapy Now (Sollmann, 2017).

Bestseller list in Austria & Switzerland with the book titled “Zeitmanagement im Auslandseinsatz” (Time Management for expatriate) in 2010.

Research Activities

Independent Research in Hypnosis: Covert anchoring technique. C.A.T. is a new approach in short-term-therapy & coaching. C.A.T. is the new multi-tool in the treatment of addictions, psychological trauma (PTSD) and chronic pain using the multilevel communication-approach from Dr. Milton H. Erickson. 

International Speaker

International conferences in
Great-Britain: NLP-Conference, London, April, 2016
Switzerland: Hypnosis Convention, Zurich, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
Germany: Conference on Applied Psychology and Psychiatry, Munich, May, 2017

Dt. Gesellschaft für Hypnose (DGH), Jahreskongress, Bad Lippspringe, 2019
France:19th EMDR Europe Conference, Strasbourg, June/July, 2018
Canada: XXI World Congress of Medical and Clinical Hypnosis, Montreal, August 2018
Poland: XXII World Congress of Medical and Clinical Hypnosis, Krakow, June, 2024

Martina Masuch

Dipl. Psych. (University of Düsseldorf, Germany) Clinical Psychologist / Certificated and licensed Psychologist/Psychologische Psychotherapeutin.

  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, ( A.V.T., Köln, Germany)
  • Hypnotherapy (M.E.I.K., Milton- Erickson- Institut Köln, Germany) ,Milton-Erikson-Foundation (Phoenix, Arizona), Master-Class NYC under the direction of Dr. Jeffrey K. Zeig
  • Couples Therapist ( EAPT, /Spain and Germany)
  • Mindfullness and Hakomi Interpersonal Therapy by Halko Weiß, (Spain and Germany)
  • Ego State Therapist by Woltemade Hartman (South Africa)
  • Soma Therapy by Sonja Gomez and Marcelo Muniz (Brazil)

Martina Masuch praktiziert als Psychotherapeutin in Düsseldorf.

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